Can I remove a product from my subscription?

Absolutely! You can easily adjust your product selection at any time.

To edit your subscription, youโ€™ll first need to be logged into your account and select 'Manage Subscriptions.' From there, you will be taken to your subscription portal. Locate the subscription you wish to update and select 'See more details.'

Subscription Portal | Click on 'See more details'

Locate which product within your subscription you want to remove and click on the red trash can icon.

Note: You mustย have more than one product within your subscription to have the red trash can icon to show up. If you only have one product and wish to cancel your subscription, see โ€œHow do I cancel my subscription?โ€ question.

Subscription Portal | Click on the red trash can icon

A pop-up will appear asking you if youโ€™re sure you want to delete the product. If you are, then click on โ€˜Confirmโ€™ and the product will be removed from your subscription.

Subscription Portal | Click 'Confirm' to delete product
